1 gossamer-winged butterflies
1) Биология: голубянки (Lycaenidae)2) Энтомология: голубянки (лат. Lycaenidae)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > gossamer-winged butterflies
2 gossamer-winged butterflies
English-russian biological dictionary > gossamer-winged butterflies
3 butterflies, gossamer-winged
1. LAT Lycaenidae2. RUS голубянки3. ENG blues, hairstreaks, gossamer-winged butterflies4. DEU Bläulinge, Feuerfalter, Himmelsfalter5. FRA lycénidésDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > butterflies, gossamer-winged
4 butterfly
дневная бабочка, мотылёк- birdwing butterfly
- brimstone butterfly
- brush-footed butterflies
- cabbage butterfly
- cabbage white butterfly
- comma butterfly
- four-footed butterflies
- gossamer-winged butterflies
- hackberry butterfly
- hunter's butterfly
- kite butterflies
- leaf butterfly
- lucerne blue butterfly
- map butterfly
- milkweed butterfly
- monarch butterfly
- mourning-cloak butterfly
- owl butterflies
- peacock butterfly
- satyr butterflies
- sea butterflies
- sulfur butterflies
- swallowtail butterflies
- thistle butterfly
- thorn butterfly
- turnip butterfly
- wood white butterfly* * * -
5 butterfly
butterfly дневная бабочка, мотылёкalfalfa butterfly желтушка Colias eurythemeambrax butterfly парусник Papilio ambraxapollo butterfly аполлон, Parnassius appolloBlue Mountain butterfly парусник Papylio ulyssesbrown augus butterfly голубянка Lycaena astrachebrush-footed butterflies нимфалиды, Nymphalidaecabbage butterfly репница, Pieris rapaeChristmas butterfly парусник Papylio demodocusfour-footed butterflies нимфалиды, Nymphalidaegoatweed butterfly нимфалида Anala andriagossamer winged butterflies голубянки, Lycaenidaegreen comma butterfly углокрыльница Polygonia faunushackberry butterfly нимфалида каркасовая, Asterocampa celtishunter's butterfly ванесса виргинская, Vanessa virginiensisJulia butterfly геликонида Colaenis juliakatahdin butterfly бархатница Oeneis katahdinkite butterflies парусники без удлинённых выростов на задних крыльях, Papilionidaeleaf butterfly листовидка, каллима, Kallimalime butterfly парусник Papylus demoleusmap butterfly нимфалида Cyrectismilkweed butterflies данаиды, Danaidaemonarch butterfly данаида Danaus plexippusmoth butterfly голубянка Liphyra brassolismourning-cloak butterfly траурница, Vanessa antiopanoctula butterfly бархатница Harsiesis hygeaorange-tree butterfly парусник Papylio cresphontesowl butterflies аматузииды, Amathusiidaepatched butterfly нимфалида Chlosinepeacock butterfly павлиний глаз дневной, Vanessa iopine butterfly белянка Neophasia menapiaqueen butterfly данаида Danaus bereniceroadside butterflies крылоногие моллюски, Pteropodasnout butterfly носатка Hypatus bachmannithistle butterfly ванесса, Vanessawall butterfly бархатница Parage megaeraWhite Mountain butterfly бархатница Oeneis semidaezebra butterfly нимфалида Heliconius charithoniusEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > butterfly
6 blues
1. LAT Lycaenidae2. RUS голубянки3. ENG blues, hairstreaks, gossamer-winged butterflies4. DEU Bläulinge, Feuerfalter, Himmelsfalter5. FRA lycénidés -
7 hairstreaks
1. LAT Lycaenidae2. RUS голубянки3. ENG blues, hairstreaks, gossamer-winged butterflies4. DEU Bläulinge, Feuerfalter, Himmelsfalter5. FRA lycénidés -
8 8833
1. LAT Lycaenidae2. RUS голубянки3. ENG blues, hairstreaks, gossamer-winged butterflies4. DEU Bläulinge, Feuerfalter, Himmelsfalter5. FRA lycénidés
См. также в других словарях:
gossamer-winged butterfly — ▪ insect any of a group of small, often brightly coloured butterflies (order Lepidoptera) that includes several hundred species commonly called coppers, blues, hairstreaks, harvesters, and metal marks. All are small to medium sized… … Universalium
Differences between butterflies and moths — A common classification of the Lepidoptera involves their differentiation into butterflies and moths. Butterflies are a natural monophyletic group, often given the sub order Rhopalocera, which includes Papilionoidea (true butterflies),… … Wikipedia
List of butterflies of India — India has an extremely diverse terrain, climate and vegetation, which comprises extremes of heat and cold, of desert and jungle, of low lying plains and the highest mountains, of dryness and dampness, islands and continental areas, widely varying … Wikipedia
Western Ghats butterflies — This is a list of butterfly species found in the Western Ghats region. This region is a biodiversity hotspot and about 334 species of butterflies have been recorded. * Papilionidae Swallowtail Butterflies (19 species) * Pieridae Yellow White… … Wikipedia
List of butterflies of Kerala — This is a list of butterfly species found in the Kerala State, India. This state has high butterfly diversity and about 320 species of butterflies have been recorded. * Papilionidae Swallowtail Butterflies (19 species) * Pieridae Yellow White… … Wikipedia
List of butterflies of Tamilnadu — This is a list of butterfly species found in Tamilnadu state of India. In this state about 319 species of butterflies have been recorded. * Papilionidae Swallowtail Butterflies (19 species) * Pieridae Yellow White Butterflies (32 species) *… … Wikipedia
List of butterflies of Karnataka — This is a list of butterfly species found in Karnataka State. In this state about 318 species of butterflies have been recorded.* Papilionidae Swallowtail Butterflies (19 species) * Pieridae Yellow White Butterflies (29 species) * Nymphalidae… … Wikipedia
List of Texas butterflies — This is a list of Texas butterflies, all species of butterfly found in the state of Texas.Family Papilionidae (Swallowtails)ubfamily Papilioninae (Swallowtails)* Battus philenor (Pipevine Swallowtail) * Battus polydamas (Polydamas Swallowtail) *… … Wikipedia
List of butterflies of Oklahoma — This is a list of all butterflies and skippers found in the state of Oklahoma. Butterflies and skippers are a monophyletic group found in the Lepidoptera order of Insecta . (See the difference between a butterfly and a moth.) ButterfliesOrder:… … Wikipedia
lepidopteran — /lep i dop teuhr euhn/, adj. 1. lepidopterous. n. 2. a lepidopterous insect. [1850 55; LEPIDOPTER(A) + AN] * * * Any of the more than 100,000 species constituting the order Lepidoptera (Greek: scaly wing ): butterflies, moths, and skippers. The… … Universalium
butterfly — butterflylike, adj., adv. /but euhr fluy /, n., pl. butterflies, v., butterflied, butterflying, adj. n. 1. any of numerous diurnal insects of the order Lepidoptera, characterized by clubbed antennae, a slender body, and large, broad, often… … Universalium